“Beautifying lawns one stump at a time”
We recognize stumps can be eyesores but not everyone has the time, patience, tools, or talent to deal with the problem. At Father Son Stump Removal, our aim is to help you reclaim your green space.
We also offer complementary services to keep your home looking pristine.
About Us
“Practice made perfect”
Father Son Stump Removal is a small business started in 2021 in response to the lack of employment opportunities for teens under 16. We figured if there are no opportunities for younger workers in the marketplace, why not create one? After tackling multiple projects on our own property with a tremendous amount of success we thought it prudent to bring our talents and exceptional work ethic to our community.

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Ramping up for Media availability
We recently purchased a digital camcorder to record time-lapse videos. Personally, I enjoy watching the entire grinding process. With this new purchase, we hope to give the homeowners and the general public a glimpse into what it takes to remove a rotting stump.